Bulletin 221202 — Final Payment of COVID‑19 Vaccine Patient Facilitation Fee
The second and final payment of the Q007 COVID-19 vaccine patient facilitation fee will occur in December 2022.
To: All physicians
Category: Physician Services; Primary Health Care Services
Written by: Negotiations Branch, Physician and Provider Services Division
Date issued: December 20, 2022
Q007A background information
The Ministry of Health (ministry), in agreement with the Ontario Medical Association (OMA), introduced the new Fee Schedule Code (FSC) ‘Q007A - COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Facilitation Fee’ to support the coordinating activities related to the delivery of the COVID-19 vaccine to everyone in Ontario. This FSC was effective March 6, 2021 until March 6, 2022. Any Q007A codes submitted with service dates after March 6, 2022 will reject with error code ‘A3E-No Such Fee Schedule Cd’.
Where a Public Health Unit or the province formally requested a physician or physicians to contact patients to assist in the registering/booking of their patients’ COVID-19 vaccination or to provide direct assistance in completing patient consent or other documentation, a one-time fee of $6.00 per patient was payable.
Q007A payment details
Further to INFOBulletin 220601, the second, and final, of two bulk payments for the submission of Q007A will occur on the December 2022 Remittance Advice (RA). The payment will appear under the accounting transaction “Vaccine Patient Fac. Fee” on the physician’s solo RA.
This payment will consist of Q007A services assessed by the ministry after March 6, 2022 for services rendered between March 6, 2021 and March 6, 2022.
In order to determine payment, the following rules have been applied to each FSC submitted:
- Q007A is not payable where a physician only provides general information regarding how to access or register for a vaccination
- Q007A is not payable when the physician administers the vaccine to the patient and claims G593A
- Q007A can only be billed once per patient
- Q007A is not payable for services rendered by the physician for the same time period H409/H410 is claimed
Q007A; COVID-19 vaccine; COVID-19 vaccine patient facilitation fee
Contact information
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