The Ministry will extend the fee payable for administering a COVID-19 vaccination and will end the Q007A.

To: All Physicians
Category: Physician Services; Primary Health Care Services
Written by: Negotiations Branch; OHIP, Pharmaceuticals and Devices Division
Date issued: February 28, 2022

COVID-19 vaccine extension

In March 2021, the Ministry of Health (the Ministry) temporarily listed as an insured service a new fee code for the provision of the COVID-19 vaccine.

To support the government’s COVID-19 vaccination strategy and roll out, the Schedule of Benefits for Physicians Services (Schedule) is being amended pursuant to an agreement reached by the ministry and the Ontario Medical Association (OMA). This agreement will extend the COVID-19 vaccination fee code (G593A) and pricing for the administration of the COVID-19 vaccine when delivered in a primary care office or other non-mass vaccination setting.

Billing and payment of G593A will remain status quo (see INFOBulletin 210301 and INFOBulletin 211201):

  1. G593A has a fee of $13.00.
    1. G593A is payable for each dose of the COVID-19 vaccination administered.
  2. When provided as a sole service for fee for service in the Comprehensive Care Model and Family Health Group models, both G593A and G700A ($5.60) are payable; G700 service is only payable once per patient per day. When provided as a sole service for all other primary care patient enrolment models, both G593A and Q593A ($5.60) are payable.
  3. When other insured services are rendered on the same day, by the same doctor to the same patient as a COVID-19 vaccination, then G593A is payable for the vaccination in conjunction with the other services if the service otherwise meets the Schedule of Benefits requirements.
  4. G593A is not eligible for payment for a service provided in a designated COVID-19 Assessment Centre.

G593 has been added to the list of codes on page GP58 of the Schedule that are eligible for payment when rendered by the same physician the same day as any type of counselling service.

G593 has been added to the list of simple office procedures in the table on page GP63 of the Schedule as a procedure which may be delegated and which remains insured despite the physician not being physically present.

G593A and Q593A as outlined above will be effective on a temporary basis until March 31, 2024.

COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Facilitation Fee (Q007A)

The COVID-19 Vaccine Patient Facilitation Fee (Q007A) will expire on March 6, 2022 and will no longer be eligible for payment for service dates after March 6, 2022.

A further INFOBulletin will be released detailing payment of the Q007A.


COVID-19; vaccination; vaccine patient facilitation fee; G593A; Q007A; Q593A;

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