3.2 Residential arrangements
September 2022
Legislative authority
Sections 1, 5, 7, 8, 16(1) and 74(1) of the Act.
Sections 7, 8, 16, 40, 43, 44.1, 46, 47, 47.1 and 58.3 of Regulation 134/98.
Audit requirements
Adequate documentation is on file to support eligibility as it relates to residential arrangements.
The amount of assistance issued is reflective of an applicant or recipient’s budgetary needs as determined by their residential arrangements.
Application of policy
Applicants and recipients may have residential arrangements that include ownership, renting or board and lodging. Assistance for these arrangements is calculated based on the type of arrangement, the size of the benefit unit, applicable maximums and actual verified costs (see Directive 6.3: Shelter and Directive 6.4 Board and lodging for more information).
Other applicants may reside in institutions (i.e., places where unrelated people live together for special purposes) such as:
- treatment
- confinement
- education
- special care
- religious fellowship
Applicants and recipients who reside in an institution are not eligible for assistance with the exception of:
- a long-term care home (see Directive 6.7: Persons in long-term care homes for more information)
- an interval or transition home for victims of family violence (see Directive 6.8: Persons in interval and transition homes for more information)
- a hospital (see Directive 6.9: Persons in hospitals for more information)
- a residential program for the treatment of substance abuse (see Directive 6.10: Persons in residential programs for the treatment of substance abuse for more information)
- an emergency hostel (see Directive 2.7: Emergency Hostel Services – First Nations delivery agents and Directive 6.16: Emergency Hostels and Shelter – CMSMs and DSSABs for more information)
- a domiciliary-type hostel (see Directive 6.11: Persons in domiciliary-type hostels for more information)
A prison is considered to be an institution and therefore an applicant or recipient who is incarcerated cannot receive Ontario Works.
An applicant or recipient who is on temporary absence, parole or probation, or serving a conditional sentence and who is residing in a community residence funded in whole or in part by the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services is eligible for assistance in the amount of $149 per month for personal needs (see Directive 6.12: Persons detained in custody for more information). However, if the person’s placement is funded in whole or in part by Correctional Service Canada they are ineligible for assistance.
An institution that qualifies for other government funding or has been funded by the government to provide for the basic needs and shelter of its residents must not receive funds through Ontario Works.