6.11 Persons in domiciliary-type hostels
January 2013
Legislative authority
Sections 5 and 7 of the Act.
Section 44(1) and 54(1) of Regulation 134/98.
Audit requirements
Adequate documentation is on file to support the issuance of assistance to persons in domiciliary hostels.
Documentation to support a decision about the maintenance or reduction of assistance is on file.
Application of policy
A domiciliary-type hostel is a place that provides permanent housing with limited supports to vulnerable adults who require some supervision and support with the activities of daily living.
People who are residents of a domiciliary-type hostel are considered to have residence in the geographic area where the hostel is located. The applicant or recipient is required to provide verification including a letter or receipt from the domiciliary-type hostel indicating living arrangements and cost.
Individuals residing in domiciliary-type hostels who are eligible for Ontario Works may receive an amount for board and lodging (see Directive 6.4: Board and lodging for more information). Eligible recipients may also receive a Special Diet Allowance, Pregnancy/Breast-feeding Nutritional Allowance, Special Boarder Allowance and Advanced Age Allowance, as well as mandatory and discretionary benefits (see Directive 6.1: Calculating assistance and Directive 7.1: Summary of benefits for more information).
Amount for personal needs
Under the Consolidated Homelessness Prevention Initiative (CHPI), Municipal Service Managers may elect to issue an amount for personal needs to domiciliary-type hostel residents.
If the amount for personal needs is up to or equivalent to the amount issued for personal needs to a recipient or applicant in a long-term care home, then that payment will be exempt as income. Any payment in excess of this amount will be treated as income and deducted from social assistance.