Pink (Caryophyllaceae family):
Spergula arvensis L.
EPPO code:
Other names:

Species information

Reproduces by seed.
Typically, corn spurry germinates and emerges in the early part of spring.
While it is found throughout Ontario, corn spurry is most commonly found on light sandy soils.
A Canadian study conducted in spring cereals demonstrated that corn spurry was not a very competitive species. A density of over 250 plants/m2 was required before an economic threshold was reached (Weaver and Ivany, 1998). However, a Swedish study found that corn spurry was detrimental in spring cereals compared to other species. However, yield loss calculated from 1,691 trials was only 5.4% (Milberg and Hallgren, 2004), so even if detrimental, the impact on yield loss would be relatively small.

Identification clues


Filiform and cylindrical, similar to true leaves.
Young leaves:
The first leaves of corn spurry are long and narrow, and grow in a rosette-like cluster.
Mature leaves:
Mature leaves are similar in size and shape to first leaves, but they grow in whorls of 6–30 at each node.

Mature plant

Its stem is much branched, finely hairy and sometimes sticky. It is bright green in colour and grows 10–50 cm tall.
Corn spurry has very small flowers with five white petals offset by five green sepals that are clustered on short stalks at the top of the plant.
The plant’s seedpods are round and split into five divisions that are filled with many flat, black and round seeds.
Taproot with fibrous lateral roots.

Often mistaken for

With its many, very narrow leaves that form a whorl at each node, corn spurry rarely gets confused with other weed species that have whorled leaves, such as carpetweed, cleavers and smooth bedstraw.

A small seedling with long narrow cotyledons and first leaves
A small seedling with long narrow cotyledons and first leaves.
An older plant with several long narrow leaves that form a whorl at each stem node
An older plant with several long narrow leaves that form a whorl at each stem node.
A mature flowering plant
A mature flowering plant.
Small flowers with five white petals and five green sepals
Small flowers with five white petals and five green sepals.