Mustard (Brassicaceae family)
Lepidium campestre (L.) W.T. Aiton
EPPO code:
Other names:
Field pepperweed, pepperweed

Species information

Annual or winter annual.
Reproduces by seed.
Typically, field peppergrass germinates and emerges in the fall or early part of spring.
Field peppergrass is predominately found in orchards, nurseries and waste areas in southern Ontario. It is rarely found in cultivated fields.
Little published data exists and results are varied. Swan (1971) indicated yield losses in winter wheat as high as 45%, while more recently a Swedish study evaluating peppergrass as an oil crop observed increased Barley yields when field peppergrass was under-seeded (Merker et al., 2010)

Identification clues


Club-shaped to oval, with a long stalk, 12–15 mm long.
Young leaves:
The plant’s first leaves emerge as a basal rosette, oval with entire margins and on long petioles.
Mature leaves:
Rosette leaves become wavy-toothed to deeply-lobed margins. The stem leaves are alternate, arrow shaped and clasp the stem. Margins are entire to slightly toothed.

Mature plant

The stem is erect, grows 10–60 cm tall and has short hairs. It is much branched near the top.
Field peppergrass produces clusters of small, white four-petal flowers.
Seedpods are numerous, flat and round. The top of the seedpod has a small notch; each contains two small, rust-coloured to brown seeds.

Often mistaken for

I know it's not Stinkweed because stinkweed is hairless as compared to the rough-textured field peppergrass that is densely hairy. Field peppergrass does not produce an odour when plant tissue is crushed.

The basal rosette with oval leaves having a rounded apex
The basal rosette with oval leaves having a rounded apex.
An older rosette with leaves that are deeply lobed
An older rosette with leaves that are deeply lobed.
A flowering plant with seedpods
A flowering plant with seedpods.
A patch of flowering plants in early June
A patch of flowering plants in early June.