Connected Care Update — November 25, 2019
First cohort of Ontario Health Teams
This morning, the first of 24 Ontario Health Teams (OHTs) was announced by Christine Elliott, Deputy Premier and Minister of Health. Congratulations to the Mississauga OHT (Mississauga Health).
In the coming weeks, the government will be announcing each OHT in communities across Ontario. Here is what you can expect:
- Minister Elliott and/or government officials will be visiting each of the OHTs in their communities to officially announce each one and celebrate with the teams
- you can follow along with the announcements by visiting the OHT web page. The list of teams will be updated as each is identified
- once all 24 teams have been introduced, a complete list of all OHTs will be announced and details about next steps will be shared with all teams that have submitted an application
This is a very exciting time for health care in Ontario. Thank you to all the partners involved in bringing the vision of a connected health care system, centred around the needs of the patient, another step closer.
Self-assessment intake and invitations to complete full applications will continue on a regular cycle until full provincial coverage is reached and every Ontarian is supported by an OHT. More information about OHTs and next steps for province-wide implementation can be found at the OHT web page.
If you have questions about OHTs, email
For questions about the government’s plans to modernize the health care system, email