Railway crossing
Traffic Check - While approaching the railway crossing, you must monitor the surrounding traffic ahead, beside and to the rear through the vehicle mirrors to ensure the location is safe.
Speed/Gears - Gradual slowing allows for proper control of the vehicle. To ensure smooth traffic flow and equipment/shipment integrity, you must be aware of traffic conditions and execute smooth manoeuvres.
Signal - Appropriate signals must be used to communicate with other road users, but not so early as to confuse traffic that may be exiting driveways or entering other intersections.
Lane/Stop Position - Stopping in the right-most lane would minimize disruption of traffic flow.
Full-Stop Roll – Once you stop, you must ensure the vehicle doesn’t roll forward or backward.
Stop position - At a controlled railway crossing, five metres from the nearest rail may be too close to stop, because in rare situations, the stop arm may hit the vehicle.
Traffic Check - You must observe along the railway track to ensure there are no trains approaching.
Door - Opening the door will assist you in listening for any trains that may be approaching.
Traffic Check - Observe the traffic environment ahead, left and also right; check mirrors so that you will be alerted to any changes around the vehicle to ensure that the rail tracks are clear, and there is enough clearance at the other side of the tracks.
Door - For safety reasons, doors must be closed prior to moving the vehicle.
Speed - Accelerating properly prevents the vehicle from interfering with traffic flow. Accelerating too quickly may damage equipment or injure passengers, which may in turn cause the vehicle to stall or break down.
Both Hands/Gears - You must maintain a two-handed grip on the steering wheel as much as possible during a railway crossing. You must not change gears while crossing a railway, and must select a gear that will not require changing while crossing.
Lane Position - You must stay in the same lane approaching and travelling through the railway crossing to ensure traffic flow is smooth and safe.
Traffic Check - Checking mirrors after clearing a railway allows you to be continually aware of conditions so that necessary adjustments in speed and position can be made.
Cancel Signal - The signal must be cancelled so that other road users are not confused.