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3. Overview: the planning and implementation process, step by step
A number of important steps are involved in planning, developing, and launching an SHSM. This series of guiding questions is designed to give you a snapshot of the process that will aid your understanding of the more detailed sections later in this guide.
Step 1: Familiarization
Review SHSM policy
What are the key components of all SHSM programs? How are individual students' programs structured? What forms of classroom and experiential learning can be offered in an SHSM? What certification delivery models can be considered?
Explore SHSM sectors
Which specific ministry-approved SHSMs can be offered? What kinds of sector opportunities do they offer students? What postsecondary opportunities might they lead to? What specific components and credits are required in each SHSM?
Step 2: Organization
Establish an SHSM plan
What key factors must you consider when developing the strategic plan for the SHSM programs? How will you go about identifying the specific program content, delivery model, and pathways that will provide a high-quality learning experience for students that is valued in the sector? Who should be involved in the process?
Establish SHSM advisory committees
How can you ensure that stakeholders value your SHSM? How can you best align students' experiences with workplace expectations? How will you identify reliable service providers for certification and training? How can you bring all stakeholders together to ensure that your SHSM will provide students with a high-quality learning experience that will support their success in postsecondary education, training, or employment?
Establish a school SHSM team
Who will champion the implementation of the SHSM? Which specific school or board staff members will be critical to the program's success?
Build supportive partnerships
What partnerships need to be developed to ensure that your SHSM will be effective and sustainable? Could you partner with other schools or boards to share resources? What opportunities exist to partner with local colleges, training centres, and universities? Which provincial and local sector organizations might support your SHSM and provide opportunities for certification and training? Which employers and organizations might provide cooperative education placements, reach ahead experiences, and sector-partnered experiences?
Step 3: Planning
Select which SHSMs to offer
Which SHSMs will be of interest to students in your school and region? What are the economic prospects in the region? Will you be able to secure the supports you need in the economic sector and community? Which SHSM(s) does your school and board have the capacity to offer?
Choose a delivery model
Would the SHSM be best delivered by individual schools for their own students, or could the program be delivered at one school for students from several schools? Could a program be offered entirely or in part at a learning site other than a secondary school? What resources are required and available?
Develop a school SHSM action plan
What should a detailed implementation plan include? What are the best approaches to timetabling and enrolment? How can you accommodate students with special needs?
Obtain ministry approval
Does your SHSM meet ministry guidelines? If your program is approved, what next steps should you take?
Step 4: Implementation
Develop SHSM pathways
How can you ensure that students and parents understand the pathways to successful completion of the SHSM, and the choices available to them? Will students and parents clearly understand how to navigate the pathways to apprenticeship training, college, university, or the workplace?
Promote and develop the SHSM
How will you build awareness of and enrolment in the SHSM? How will you ensure that students and parents are aware of the benefits of your program? How will you keep postsecondary partners and sector partners aware and informed?
Sustain and grow the SHSM
How will you encourage a shared sense of responsibility among staff for the success of the SHSM? How will you build knowledge and skills among staff, and work as a team, to provide a high-quality SHSM for students? Who should be involved in your SHSM professional learning community (PLC)?
Step 5: Program Evaluation
Measure program success
What student management systems and reporting processes need to be in place? How will you measure program success? What indicators should be used to measure success? How can data be used to continuously improve the SHSM, and to respond to changes in the needs of students and the economic sector? Who should be consulted in this ongoing evaluation?