A2.1 Recording Student Progress

Tracking and documenting are essential to ensure that students' achievement of the SHSM components are recorded in an accurate and timely manner. Students' SHSM achievement is recorded in the following official documents:

Provincial Report Card: The section of the Provincial Report Card titled "Completion of Requirements for Graduation" records and tracks the required bundle of credits and identifies the sector for the SHSM.

Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD): Students who have successfully completed the requirements for an SHSM and an OSSD will be awarded an OSSD with an embossed SHSM seal. Students who have successfully completed the requirements of the OSSD but have not completed all required components for the SHSM should be awarded the OSSD without the embossed SHSM seal.

Returning graduate students are not eligible to obtain a second diploma. For students completing the SHSM program after graduation, the OST and SHSM Record will document this successful completion.

Ontario Student Transcript (OST): When a student has successfully completed a credit in the SHSM program, the credit is denoted on the student's OST with an "H" in the "Notes" column. As well, the name of the SHSM (e.g., "Specialist High Skills Major–Manufacturing") will be entered in the box labelled "Specialized Program" in the bottom section of the OST once the student has completed the SHSM program.

SHSM Record: Students graduating with an SHSM designation on their OSSD will also receive an SHSM Record, which provides details regarding their achievement of the five required components — the bundle of credits, certifications and training experiential learning and career exploration activities, reach ahead experiences, and sector-partnered experience. The SHSM Record is given to students upon graduation, and a copy is filed in the student's Ontario Student Record (OSR).

What happens when a student leaves the program, board, or school? 
When a student opts out of the SHSM, transfers to another school, or graduates without completing all the components, a copy of the SHSM Record with the notation "partially completed" shows the requirements completed to date. This is filed in the student's OSR and is forwarded to the new school, if applicable. In the event that a student has not achieved all the required components of the SHSM at graduation, the SHSM Record becomes a useful document, as it demonstrates the student's achievement of the SHSM components.

A student who is enrolled in an SHSM program in one school and then transfers to a new school should be supported by the board, when possible, in completing the SHSM requirements for his or her program.

Can a student be enrolled in multiple SHSM programs at one time? 
A student can only be enrolled in one Ministry of Education approved SHSM program at a time. A student may switch SHSM sector programs at any time should their educational goals change.

Can a student graduate with two SHSM seals in two different sectors? 
Upon successful completion of all required SHSM components in one sector, a student is eligible to receive their Ontario Secondary School Diploma (OSSD) with a SHSM seal once they have completed the requirements for their OSSD. A student can only receive one SHSM seal on their OSSD.

Are substitutions permitted to the required bundle of credits for the SHSM sector?
A student who does not complete the required bundle of credits has not completed the requirements of the SHSM program and should not be awarded the SHSM seal on their OSSD.

In the event that a student has not achieved all the required credits of the SHSM at graduation, the SHSM Record becomes a useful document, as it demonstrates the student's achievement of the SHSM components.

What happens when a principal substitutes a compulsory credit for the OSSD?
If a principal has substituted a compulsory credit requirement for the OSSD in alignment with Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements, and that compulsory credit was also an SHSM credit requirement, the principal approved substitution will fulfill the SHSM requirement.

Are substitutions to compulsory sector-recognized certifications and/or training courses/programs permitted?
In exceptional circumstances, if a student is unable to complete a compulsory certification and/or training requirement, the principal may substitute a compulsory certification and/or training with an approved sector specific elective certification and/or training. The total required number of certification and training must be the same as specified for the sector. The principal should consider each substitution on a case-by-case basis.