White-tailed deer
White-tailed deer seasons
New White-tailed deer season map
The white-tailed deer season map is a new way for you to view the information in the white-tailed deer hunting season tables. To use the map:
- Select either resident or non-resident of Ontario.
- Zoom in on, or search for the Wildlife Management Unit (WMU) you are interested in (for example "WMU 38").
- Click on the WMU. The dates of the open season(s) for white-tailed deer hunting will appear as a list and in a calendar. Click on the window title to expand and view the seasons and calendar.
You can save or print these WMU-specific deer season summaries so you can reference them later.
Information contained in this map is available in the tables below.
Note: This map is neither a legal document nor a complete collection of the current regulations. See the how to use this Regulation Summary section for more details.
Rifles, shotguns, muzzle-loading guns and bows
The information in the tables below is also available in the map above.
Wildlife Management Unit | Resident - Open season | Non-resident - Open season |
1C, 16A, 16B, 16C, 17 | September 14 to December 15 | None |
2, 3, 4, 5, 11B, 13, 14, 15A, 15B, 18A, 18B, 19, 21A | October 5 to December 15 | None |
6, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 11A, 12A, 12B | October 5 to December 15 | October 5 to November 15 |
10 | November 2 to December 15 | November 2 to November 15 |
21B | October 5 to December 15 | October 7 to November 15 |
22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33, 34 | October 5 to November 15 | October 7 to November 15 |
25 | September 14 to December 15 | September 16 to November 15 |
26 | September 14 to October 31 | September 16 to October 31 |
28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53A, 54, 55A, 55B, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63A, 63B, 64A, 64Bfootnote 1, 65footnote 1, 66A, 67, 68A, 68Bfootnote 1, 69Bfootnote 1, 71footnote 1, 72Afootnote 1, 73footnote 1, 74Afootnote 1, 74B, 75footnote 1 | November 4 to November 17 | November 4 to November 17 |
43A, 43B | November 18 to November 24 | November 18 to November 24 |
45 | November 9 to November 17 | November 9 to November 17 |
82A, 82B, 83A, 84 | November 4 to November 10 | November 4 to November 10 |
- footnote 1 [1] indicates that rifles are not permitted during the open resident and non-resident seasons
- use of dogs is not permitted in WMUs 5, 8, 10, 43A, 43B, 44, 45, 65, 71, 72A, 73, 75, 82A, 82B, 83A and 84. Landowner’s written permission is required when hunting on private property in WMUs 43A, 43B and 44
- WMUs 82C, 83B, 83C and 93C have unique deer seasons and administration. Please contact the local ministry work centre for more information
Muzzle-loading guns and bows
Wildlife Management Unit | Resident - Open season | Non-resident - Open season |
5 | September 28 to October 4 | None |
6, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 11A | September 28 to October 4 | September 28 to October 4 |
7A | September 28 to December 15 | September 28 to November 15 |
18B | September 14 to October 4 | None |
36, 37, 42, 43A, 43B, 45, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63A, 63B, 64A, 64B, 65, 66A, 67, 68A, 68B, 69B, 71, 72A, 73, 74A, 74B, 75, 82A, 83A, 84 | December 2 to December 8 | December 2 to December 8 |
82B | November 18 to November 24 December 2 to December 8 | November 18 to November 24 December 2 to December 8 |
Note: Use of dogs is not permitted during the muzzle-loading guns and bows seasons, except in WMUs 7A, 18B and 59. Landowner’s written permission is required when hunting on private property in WMUs 43A and 43B.
Bows only
Wildlife Management Unit | Resident - Open season | Non-resident - Open season |
2, 3, 4, 11B, 13, 14, 15A, 15B, 19, 21A | September 1 to October 4 | None |
5 | September 1 to September 27 | None |
6, 7A, 7B, 8, 9A, 9B, 11A | September 1 to September 27 | September 14 to September 27 |
10 | October 1 to November 1 | October 1 to November 1 |
12A, 12B | September 1 to October 4 | September 14 to October 4 |
18A | September 14 to October 4 | None |
21B | September 1 to October 4 | September 1 to October 4 |
22, 23, 24, 27, 30, 33 | September 1 to October 4 November 16 to November 30 | September 1 to October 4 November 16 to November 30 |
28, 29, 31, 32, 35, 38, 39, 40, 41 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to November 30 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to November 30 |
34 | November 16 to November 30 | November 16 to November 30 |
36, 37, 42, 60, 61, 62, 63A | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 15 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 15 |
43A, 43B | October 1 to November 17 | October 1 to November 17 |
44 | October 1 to November 3 | October 1 to November 3 |
45 | October 1 to November 8 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 15 | October 1 to November 8 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 15 |
46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 53A, 54footnote 2, 55A, 55B, 56, 57, 58 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 15 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 15 |
53B | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 15 | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 15 |
59, 63B, 64A, 64B, 66A, 67, 68A, 68B, 69B, 71, 72A, 73, 74A, 74B, 75 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | October 1 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 |
65 | October 1 to October 4 October 15 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | October 1 to October 4 October 15 to November 3 November 18 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 |
66B | November 11 to November 16 | November 11 to November 16 |
69A1, 69A3, 72B | October 1 to December 31 | October 1 to December 31 |
69A2, 70 | October 1 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | October 1 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 |
76A, 76B, 76C, 76D, 76E, 77A, 77B, 77C, 78A, 78B, 81A, 81B | October 1 to November 3 November 9 to December 1 December 7 to December 31 | None |
78C, 78D, 78E, 87A, 88, 94A | October 1 to December 31 | None |
79C, 79D | October 1 to November 3 November 9 to December 31 | None |
80, 85A, 85B, 85C, 87B, 87C, 87D, 87E, 89A, 89B, 90A, 90B, 93A, 93B | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | None |
82A, 83A, 84 | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 |
82B | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to November 17 November 25 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to November 17 November 25 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 |
86A, 86B | October 1 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | None |
91A, 91B, 92A, 92B, 92C, 92D | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to November 17 November 25 to December 1 December 9 to December 31 | None |
94B | October 1 to November 3 November 11 to December 31 | None |
- footnote 2 [2] excluding parts of WMU 54 which lie within boundaries of Algonquin Provincial Park
- use of dogs is not permitted during the bows only seasons. Landowner’s written permission is required when hunting on private property in WMUs 43A, 43B and 44. WMUs 82C and 93C have unique deer seasons and administration.
- WMU 77A is a federal military base and has unique access permission requirements. Please contact your local ministry work centre for more information
Controlled deer hunt seasons (with hunt codes)
WMU | Resident - Open season | Hunt code |
53B | November 4 to November 10 | 300 |
69A2 | December 2 to December 8 | 301 |
70 | December 2 to December 8 | 302 |
76Afootnote 3 | November 4 to November 8 | 303 |
76Afootnote 3 | December 2 to December 6 | 304 |
76B | November 4 to November 8 | 305 |
76B | December 2 to December 6 | 306 |
76C | November 4 to November 8 | 307 |
76C | December 2 to December 6 | 308 |
76D | November 4 to November 8 | 309 |
76D | December 2 to December 6 | 310 |
76Efootnote 4 | November 4 to November 8 | 311 |
76Efootnote 4 | December 2 to December 6 | 312 |
77A | November 4 to November 8 | 376 |
77A | December 2 to December 6 | 377 |
77B | November 4 to November 8 | 313 |
77B | December 2 to December 6 | 314 |
77C | November 4 to November 8 | 315 |
77C | December 2 to December 6 | 316 |
78A | November 4 to November 8 | 317 |
78A | December 2 to December 6 | 318 |
78B | November 4 to November 8 | 319 |
78B | December 2 to December 9 | 320 |
79C | November 4 to November 8 | 321 |
79D | November 4 to November 8 | 322 |
80 | November 4 to November 10 | 323 |
80footnote 4 | December 2 to December 8 | 324 |
81A | November 4 to November 8 | 325 |
81A | December 2 to December 6 | 326 |
81B | November 4 to November 8 | 327 |
81B | December 2 to December 6 | 328 |
85A | November 4 to November 10 | 329 |
85A | December 2 to December 8 | 330 |
85B | November 4 to November 10 | 331 |
85B | December 2 to December 8 | 332 |
85C | November 4 to November 10 | 333 |
85C | December 2 to December 8 | 334 |
86A | December 2 to December 8 | 335 |
86B | December 2 to December 8 | 336 |
87B | November 4 to November 10 | 337 |
WMU | Resident - open season | Hunt code |
87B | December 2 to December 8 | 338 |
87C | November 4 to November 10 | 339 |
87C | December 2 to December 8 | 340 |
87D | November 4 to November 10 | 341 |
87D | December 2 to December 8 | 342 |
87E | November 4 to November 10 | 343 |
87E | December 2 to December 8 | 344 |
89A | November 4 to November 10 | 345 |
89A | December 2 to December 8 | 346 |
89B | November 4 to November 10 | 347 |
89B | December 2 to December 8 | 348 |
90A | November 4 to November 10 | 349 |
90A | December 2 to December 8 | 350 |
90B | November 4 to November 10 | 351 |
90B | December 2 to December 8 | 352 |
91Afootnote 5 | November 4 to November 10 | 353 |
91Afootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 354 |
91Afootnote 5 | December 2 to December 8 | 355 |
91Bfootnote 5 | November 4 to November 10 | 356 |
91Bfootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 357 |
91Bfootnote 5 | December 2 to December 8 | 358 |
92Afootnote 6 | November 4 to November 10 | 359 |
92Afootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 360 |
92Afootnote 6 | December 2 to December 8 | 361 |
92Bfootnote 6 | November 4 to November 10 | 362 |
92Bfootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 363 |
92Bfootnote 6 | December 2 to December 8 | 364 |
92Cfootnote 6 | November 4 to November 10 | 365 |
92Cfootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 366 |
92Cfootnote 6 | December 2 to December 8 | 367 |
92Dfootnote 6 | November 4 to November 10 | 368 |
92Dfootnote 6 | November 18 to November 24 | 369 |
92Dfootnote 6 | December 2 to December 8 | 370 |
93A | November 4 to November 10 | 371 |
93A | December 2 to December 8 | 372 |
93B | November 4 to November 10 | 373 |
93B | December 2 to December 8 | 374 |
94B | November 4 to November 10 | 375 |
Controlled deer hunt notes:
- unless otherwise indicated, only shotguns, muzzle-loading guns and bows are permitted in controlled deer hunts
- footnote 3 [1] indicates that rifles, shotguns, muzzle-loading guns and bows are permitted
- footnote 4 [4] indicates that only muzzle-loading guns and bows are permitted
- footnote 5 [5] indicates that only shotguns and muzzle-loading guns are permitted
- footnote 6 [6] indicates that only muzzle-loading guns are permitted
- the use of dogs is not permitted during controlled deer hunts
- controlled deer hunt validations are for antlered or antlerless deer, except a portion are for antlered deer only in WMUs 76A, 76B, 76C, 76D, 76E, 77B, 77C, 78A and 78B. Applicants to these WMUs do not specify their preferred validation type. Your licence summary will indicate which validation type you were randomly drawn for
- WMU 77A is a federal military base and has unique access permission requirements. Please contact your local ministry work centre for more information
Deer hunting requirements
Anyone wishing to hunt deer must have the following:
- Outdoors Card
- deer licence or farmer’s deer licence listed on your licence summary
- deer tag or additional deer tag (validated for the appropriate season/firearm, area and type of deer) or be party hunting with a person who has a valid deer tag or additional deer tag
- proof of firearm accreditation if you are hunting with a gun
The deer tag included with the purchase of a deer licence or farmer's deer licence is valid for one antlered deer (a deer with at least one antler of at least 7.5 centimetres long) in any WMU with an open season. Note: the controlled deer hunt section describes the additional requirements for hunting during a controlled deer hunt season.
Resident hunters wishing to hunt an antlerless deer (deer with no antlers or antlers both less than 7.5 centimetres long, which generally include adult female deer and fawns of both sexes) should apply to the antlerless deer draw and/or the controlled deer hunt draw depending on their WMU and season of preference. Note: Hunters may also hunt an antlerless deer by purchasing an additional deer tag valid for antlerless deer or by party hunting with a person who has a deer tag or additional deer tag valid for an antlerless deer.
Resident hunters successful in the antlerless deer draw will be issued a deer tag that identifies the tag as being valid for 1 antlerless deer in a specific WMU or 1 antlered deer in any WMU.
Note: only farmers (or an immediate relative) whose primary occupation is farming who live upon and till land which they own are eligible for a farmer's deer licence. The immediate relatives of a farmer may only purchase this licence if their primary occupation is farming and they also live upon and till the land. The tag that is issued with a farmer’s deer licence is only valid for the geographic area in which the farmer’s land is located. Farmers must identify the geographic area in which their land is located and complete an attestation online or in-person at a participating ServiceOntario or licence issuer.
Deer hunting regulations
Hunters are only permitted to harvest the type of deer identified on their deer tag or additional deer tag, except in the following circumstances:
- if party hunting, a hunter may harvest the type of deer identified on the deer tag (or additional deer tag) of a member of their hunting party
- if hunting in a controlled deer hunt, a hunter may only harvest the type of deer identified on their (or their party member’s) controlled deer hunt validation listed on their licence summary or their additional controlled deer tag
Tagging and transporting
Go to the tags section for details on tagging and transporting. Additional information on shipping and exporting can be found in the general regulations section.
Mandatory hunter reporting requirements
Go to the hunter reporting requirements section for details on timelines and how to submit your report.
Big game, including deer, may only be hunted with a firearm (includes bows). When hunting deer, you may only use or carry a firearm of the type permitted for hunting deer at that time in that WMU. For example, when hunting deer during a bows-only season, you may only use and carry a bow. Specifications on the firearms, ammunition, arrows and broadheads that are permitted when hunting deer are found in the general regulations section.
Party hunting for deer
Party hunting is permitted during the open season for deer under a set of specific conditions. The list of conditions is listed in the general regulations section.
A person shall not hunt deer in a party during a controlled deer hunt season unless their licence summary has been validated for that specific controlled deer hunt season. The exception is an apprentice hunter who is hunting with a licensed mentor (in which case the mentor must have their licence summary validated for the relevant controlled deer hunt season).
The use of dogs is permitted for hunting deer during some seasons (a dog licence is required in these cases) — go to the deer season tables for information on when dogs are not permitted. In areas where the use of dogs is prohibited for hunting, dogs may still be used to track and retrieve a deer that has been wounded during a lawful hunt (go to the general regulations section for more information).
Non-residents must employ one licensed guide for each two hunters when hunting deer in the Territorial District of Rainy River. WMUs within the Territorial District of Rainy River are 9B, 10, 11A and parts of 7B and 12B — go to the WMU maps (Southwestern Ontario, Southeastern Ontario and Northern Ontario) sections and deer season tables for more information.
Additional deer tags
When deer populations in certain WMUs warrant, hunters may be offered the opportunity to harvest an additional deer through the purchase of additional deer tags or additional controlled deer tags.
Information regarding this year's additional deer tags (WMUs, hunt codes) will be posted online at: Apply for an additional deer tag when available. If you do not have internet access, please contact the Natural Resources Information and Support Centre at
Additional deer tags are available on a first come, first served basis. Additional deer tags may also be available to non-residents in WMUs with a non-resident deer season. A deer licence is required before you can purchase an additional deer tag.
Note: Additional deer tags are not valid during controlled deer hunt seasons. Additional deer tags may have a geographic restriction and be valid in only the part of the WMU specified online and on the tag. Hunters are responsible to ensure they are hunting in the correct WMU or part of a WMU.
Controlled deer hunt
Ontario residents who wish to hunt in a controlled deer hunt must have a valid Outdoors Card and apply, and be successful, in the controlled deer hunt draw. If you are successful in the draw you will receive a controlled deer hunt validation. Eligible farmers and landowners may instead apply for a farmer/landowner validation for themselves and/or their immediate relatives (go to Farmer and landowner controlled hunt validation for details). Successful applicants need to print an updated licence summary that lists their controlled deer hunt validation (area, season, type of deer).
It is not necessary to purchase a deer licence prior to applying to the controlled deer hunt draw; however, hunters who receive a validation in the draw must purchase a deer licence before their validation will appear on their licence summary and before they can hunt in the controlled hunt. Each hunter who receives a validation in the draw is permitted to hunt deer in the WMU specified on their licence summary during the period indicated, so long as they also meet the deer hunting requirements. The validation also identifies the type of deer that can be harvested on the hunter's deer tag during the period indicated. The validation is for an antlerless or antlered deer, unless the validation specifies antlered deer only. Whether a hunter has been successful in the antlerless deer draw is not relevant to the type of deer they can harvest during a controlled deer hunt season. Hunters who do not have a licence summary showing a controlled deer validation may not participate in the controlled deer hunt.
Note: Apprentice hunters (12–14 years old) are not eligible to apply to the controlled hunt draw or receive a controlled deer hunt validation, but they may participate in a controlled hunt with a mentor who has a controlled deer hunt validation for the relevant season listed on their licence summary. Any deer harvested must be using the mentor’s validation and tag in these cases.
Controlled deer hunt draw applicants who wish to hunt in a party should apply as a group (using the group number provided by the group leader) rather than as individuals. The benefit of this is that if your group application is selected in the draw, every hunter listed on your application will receive a controlled deer hunt validation. The applicant who hunts in a party but applies as an individual risks being the only hunter in the party who is successful, or unsuccessful, in the draw. Individual and group applicants have the same chance of success in the draw.
For instructions on how to apply to the controlled deer hunt draw, go to how to apply to hunt big game section.
Note: Additional controlled deer tags may only be purchased by a person who holds a controlled deer hunt validation for the relevant WMU and season. Additional controlled deer tags are only valid during the controlled deer hunt season specified on the tag.
Farmer and landowner controlled hunt validation
Farmers and landowners (or an immediate relative) may be eligible to receive a controlled deer hunt validation for one controlled deer hunt season if they meet one of the following criteria:
- they own a parcel of 20 hectares (50 acres) or more of land in a WMU with a controlled hunt
- their occupation is farming and they have an Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs Farm Business Registration Number (or letter of exemption from the Farm Organization Accreditation Tribunal) in a WMU with a controlled hunt
- they are the owner or the sole designated representative (president, vice-president, treasurer or secretary) of a company which owns a parcel of land of 20 hectares (50 acres) or more in the WMU with a controlled deer hunt
Farmers and landowners who meet the eligibility criteria may submit one application for a controlled deer hunt validation by completing an attestation statement online or in-person at a participating ServiceOntario or licence issuer. An immediate relative of the farmer or landowner meeting the above criteria also qualifies to receive a controlled deer hunt validation tag. During the application process the farmer or landowner will indicate if they wish to add any immediate relatives, the farmer or landowner will require the outdoors card number of the relative and the relationship to them in order to complete the process. An immediate relative is a person's grandparent, parent, spouse, child, step-child, sibling, or grandchild (including equivalent step-family relationships).
Note: You must have a valid Outdoors Card and a valid deer licence or farmer’s deer licence before your controlled deer hunt validation will appear on your licence summary.
Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD)
CWD is a progressive, fatal and untreatable disease of the central nervous system in members of the deer family, or “cervids” (for example, deer, elk, moose, caribou). CWD is a similar disease to scrapie in sheep, mad cow disease in cattle and Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease in humans. CWD has been detected in over 30 states and four Canadian provinces. The disease can severely reduce cervid populations. With the help of hunters, the ministry has found no evidence that CWD is present in Ontario’s wildlife, but it is important to be vigilant.
For more information please visit: Chronic wasting disease.
CWD is a progressive disease. An infected animal may appear normal for several years before signs are noticeable.
Symptoms may include:
- uncoordinated movements
- drooping head
- excessive thirst
- extreme loss of weight
How CWD is spread
CWD is very contagious. It can be spread through the saliva, urine, faeces, and blood of infected animals, or by exposure to a contaminated environment. There is evidence that the abnormal prions that cause the disease may remain infectious in the environment, such as in soil, for years.
CWD and humans
The World Health Organization has said that there is no current scientific evidence that CWD can infect humans. However, it recommends that humans or animals should not eat meat or organs from CWD infected or sick appearing animals.
Ontario's CWD plan
Ontario’s CWD Prevention and Response Plan is working to minimize the threat posed by CWD and protect the significant benefits provided by cervid species in the province.
Keeping Chronic Wasting Disease out of Ontario
Ontario has a number of laws in place to help prevent CWD from entering Ontario.
Allowed to import:
- packaged and deboned meat
- finished taxidermy mounts
- tanned hides and skins
- cleaned skull plate and antlers with no tissue attached
Illegal to possess or use:
- products (including lures) that contain bodily fluids from cervids for any purpose, including hunting
A permit is required to:
- transport live, captive cervids into, through or between points within the province
Note: Most jurisdictions have regulations in place governing the transport of cervid carcasses through their area. Contact the appropriate government agency in the jurisdictions where you intend to transport cervid carcasses to avoid inconvenience, potential seizure of game and charges.
How hunters and the public can help
- Know, follow and tell others about CWD prevention rules.
- Avoid feeding wild cervids to limit the spread of disease.
- Only use synthetic (artificial) or plant-based attractants.
- If you are feeding cervids, only use bait produced in Ontario.
- Always practice safe carcass handling procedures (for example, wear rubber or latex gloves when field dressing deer, and minimize contact with eyes, brain, spinal cord, spleen, tonsil, lymph nodes, or bones of the skull and spinal column.
- Report any deer displaying signs of illness by noting the location, taking photos if it is safe to do so, and contacting the Canadian Wildlife Health Cooperative at
1-866-673-4781 , the Natural Resources Information and Support Centre at1-800-667-1940 , or email cwd@ontario.ca. - Immediately contact your local ministry work centre if you become aware of a positive CWD test from an animal that was harvested out-of-province, so that your meat can be safely disposed.
- The ministry encourages hunters to take part in annual surveillance of CWD by providing samples of their harvested deer for testing. Hunters can visit Chronic Wasting Disease to learn more about specific annual testing locations.
Last year's antlerless deer draw results
WMU | Quota | % Chance first choice |
1C | 20 | 100% |
2 | 20 | 100% |
3 | 150 | 100% |
4 | 50 | 100% |
5 | 75 | 52% |
6 | 25 | 100% |
7A | 25 | 100% |
7B | 175 | 25% |
8 | 800 | 99% |
9A | 25 | 86% |
9B | 75 | 28% |
10 | 275 | 21% |
11A | 25 | 26% |
11B | 50 | 100% |
12A | 25 | 100% |
12B | 200 | 100% |
13 | 2,500 | 100% |
14 | 25 | 100% |
15A | 25 | 100% |
15B | 150 | 100% |
16A | 20 | 100% |
16B | 20 | 100% |
16C | 20 | 100% |
17 | 20 | 100% |
18A | 20 | 100% |
18B | 20 | 100% |
19 | 25 | 100% |
21A | 100 | 100% |
21B | 50 | 100% |
22 | 50 | 100% |
23 | 50 | 100% |
24 | 50 | 100% |
25 | 50 | 100% |
26 | 50 | 100% |
27 | 50 | 100% |
28 | 100 | 100% |
29 | 50 | 100% |
30 | 50 | 100% |
31 | 50 | 100% |
32 | 50 | 100% |
33 | 50 | 100% |
34 | 30 | 100% |
35 | 50 | 100% |
36 | 550 | 46% |
37 | 550 | 47% |
38 | 75 | 100% |
39 | 100 | 13% |
40 | 75 | 100% |
41 | 200 | 21% |
42 | 600 | 25% |
43A | 400 | 59% |
43B | 5,500 | 99% |
44 | 50 | 51% |
45 | 525 | 45% |
46 | 750 | 43% |
47 | 2,000 | 38% |
WMU | Quota | % Chance first choice |
48 | 775 | 39% |
49 | 1,500 | 40% |
50 | 380 | 32% |
53A | 900 | 50% |
53B | 60 | 81% |
54 | 600 | 63% |
55A | 300 | 38% |
55B | 450 | 27% |
56 | 1,200 | 49% |
57 | 2,000 | 65% |
58 | 1,900 | 51% |
59 | 1,665 | 65% |
60 | 4,000 | 65% |
61 | 1,300 | 36% |
62 | 2,000 | 74% |
63A | 1,500 | 39% |
63B | 500 | 45% |
64A | 2,300 | 100% |
64B | 260 | 45% |
65 | 4,300 | 100% |
66A | 400 | 28% |
66B | 30 | 100% |
67 | 3,000 | 78% |
68A | 250 | 30% |
68B | 500 | 33% |
69A | 600 | 100% |
69B | 350 | 100% |
70 | 300 | 89% |
71 | 800 | 100% |
72A | 600 | 76% |
72B | 50 | 100% |
73 | 1,600 | 92% |
74A | 350 | 100% |
74B | 450 | 70% |
75 | 900 | 98% |
76 | 500 | 43% |
77 | 600 | 80% |
78 | 1,000 | 100% |
79 | 400 | 100% |
80 | 1,500 | 100% |
81 | 500 | 74% |
82A | 6,300 | 100% |
82B | 800 | 100% |
83A | 150 | 27% |
84 | 3,350 | 100% |
85 | 1,450 | 100% |
86 | 650 | 100% |
87 | 1,500 | 100% |
88 | 600 | 100% |
89 | 2,000 | 95% |
90 | 2,100 | 100% |
91 | 1,200 | 100% |
92 | 3,600 | 100% |
93 | 2,200 | 100% |
94 | 2,700 | 100% |
Last year's controlled deer hunt validation draw results
WMU | Season | Quota | % Chance first choice |
53B | 1 | 200 | 100% |
69A | 3 | 950 | 100% |
70 | 3 | 550 | 74% |
76A | 1 | 450 | 100% |
76A | 3 | 250 | 100% |
76B | 1 | 400 | 100% |
76B | 3 | 250 | 100% |
76C | 1 | 600 | 88% |
76C | 3 | 215 | 87% |
76D | 1 | 275 | 100% |
76D | 3 | 200 | 100% |
76E | 1 | 20 | 100% |
76E | 3 | 25 | 100% |
77A | 1 | 75 | 100% |
77A | 3 | 25 | 100% |
77B | 1 | 700 | 100% |
77B | 3 | 200 | 84% |
77C | 1 | 300 | 100% |
77C | 3 | 250 | 100% |
78A | 1 | 150 | 56% |
78A | 3 | 300 | 100% |
78B | 1 | 150 | 46% |
78B | 3 | 300 | 100% |
79C | 1 | 400 | 100% |
79D | 1 | 175 | 100% |
80 | 1 | 2,800 | 100% |
80 | 3 | 500 | 100% |
81A | 1 | 700 | 100% |
81A | 3 | 200 | 100% |
81B | 1 | 750 | 100% |
81B | 3 | 360 | 100% |
85A | 1 | 825 | 100% |
85A | 3 | 475 | 100% |
85B | 1 | 1,575 | 97% |
85B | 3 | 1,125 | 100% |
85C | 1 | 725 | 100% |
85C | 3 | 525 | 100% |
86A | 3 | 550 | 100% |
86B | 3 | 600 | 100% |
87B | 1 | 700 | 100% |
WMU | Season | Quota | % Chance first choice |
87B | 3 | 200 | 100% |
87C | 1 | 500 | 100% |
87C | 3 | 200 | 100% |
87D | 1 | 900 | 100% |
87D | 3 | 250 | 100% |
87E | 1 | 600 | 100% |
87E | 3 | 200 | 100% |
89A | 1 | 800 | 91% |
89A | 3 | 500 | 100% |
89B | 1 | 1,400 | 100% |
89B | 3 | 800 | 100% |
90A | 1 | 850 | 100% |
90A | 3 | 800 | 100% |
90B | 1 | 1,800 | 95% |
90B | 3 | 1,600 | 100% |
91A | 1 | 700 | 100% |
91A | 2 | 100 | 100% |
91A | 3 | 450 | 100% |
91B | 1 | 700 | 100% |
91B | 2 | 150 | 100% |
91B | 3 | 650 | 100% |
92A | 1 | 350 | 100% |
92A | 2 | 250 | 100% |
92A | 3 | 300 | 100% |
92B | 1 | 925 | 99% |
92B | 2 | 700 | 100% |
92B | 3 | 650 | 100% |
92C | 1 | 475 | 100% |
92C | 2 | 300 | 100% |
92C | 3 | 250 | 100% |
92D | 1 | 600 | 100% |
92D | 2 | 400 | 100% |
92D | 3 | 450 | 100% |
93A | 1 | 400 | 49% |
93A | 3 | 400 | 60% |
93B | 1 | 150 | 80% |
93B | 3 | 150 | 100% |
94B | 1 | 225 | 61% |
Cervid family comparison
Ontario has four different wild members of the cervid/deer family. You must have a valid licence and tag for the species you are hunting. There is no open season for caribou and a limited open season for elk, so you must be absolutely certain that the animal you see is the right species, sex and age.
There are differences in the size, shape and colour of moose, white-tailed deer, elk and caribou.