Francophone Economic Development Strategy
Learn about what we are doing to promote the economic vitality of francophone communities.
We recognize the significant asset that Ontario’s Francophonie represents for our economic development.
The Ministry of Francophone Affairs, in collaboration with several partner ministries, has developed a Francophone Economic Development Strategy.
The strategy is based on findings from roundtable consultations held in 2018 and 2019 to identify challenges facing Ontario’s Francophone businesses, and on recommendations proposed by the Ministerial Advisory Council on Francophone Economic Recovery Post COVID‑19 as part of its work in the Spring of 2020.
This strategy is supported by three strategic pillars:
- Francophone entrepreneurship and innovation
- bilingual skilled workforce: education, training and employability
- promoting Ontario’s Francophonie as an economic asset
The strategy identified several existing programs and initiatives in response to the issues raised by the business and social enterprise communities. The implementation will be done through a gradual approach aimed at promoting existing programs to Francophone businesses so that they can benefit from them and enhancing these programs as needed.
The results targeted by the implementation of the strategy include:
- increasing the Francophone economic footprint
- improving access to a qualified and bilingual workforce
- creating jobs and expanding market opportunities
Initially, the Ministry of Francophone Affairs moved forward with the implementation of new initiatives such as the creation of the new Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario, as well as the creation of Quartier d’Affaires (in French), a platform to promote products and services of Francophone businesses.
These two unifying projects bring together key players in the Francophone economy and offer a range of business-support and coaching services to Francophone businesses and entrepreneurs in Ontario.
In addition to helping better identify and define the Francophone economic environment, these initial achievements have set the stage to better support Francophone businesses and organizations and contribute to Ontario’s prosperity.
The objectives of our Francophone Economic Development Strategy are to:
- encourage and stimulate Francophone economic recovery through actions targeted specifically at Francophone organizations and entrepreneurs
- increase awareness in the Francophone business community of existing initiatives and programs that focus on economic development and recovery, as well as training and business support
- create meaningful convergence among key ministries and stakeholders to encourage an integrated approach
- reduce the administrative burden of businesses through structuring initiatives such as the promotion and the simplified access to information on programs that foster growth of the Francophone economy
- maximize the effectiveness of programs and initiatives and increase their reach to Ontario Francophones and businesses
The strategy is based on an inclusive definition of a Francophone business in Ontario which:
- is partially or fully Francophone-owned or -led
- has a significant proportion of Francophone or bilingual employees
- offers or aims to offer products/services to a Francophone market
Ministries as a working group
Since our strategy is government-wide, as of August 2019, the Ministry of Francophone Affairs chairs an inter-ministerial working group which has put together a targeted inventory of current programs and initiatives that could help overcome the challenges identified by Francophone businesses.
This working group brings together the following ministries:
- Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA)
- Children, Community and Social Services (MCCSS)
- Colleges and Universities (MCU)
- Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (MEDJCT)
- Education (EDU)
- Northern Development (MND)
- Francophone Affairs (MFA)
- Public and Business Service Delivery (MPBSD)
- Health (MOH)
- Tourism, Culture and Sport (MTCS)
- Infrastructure (MOI)
- Intergovernmental Affairs (MIA)
- Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development (MLITSD)
Strategic framework
To date, the partner ministries have identified several programs and initiatives in response to the issues raised by Francophone entrepreneurs and key economic stakeholders.
In a collaborative and concerted approach, the ministries have identified three strategic pillars under which these programs and initiatives are grouped:
- Francophone entrepreneurship and innovation
- bilingual skilled workforce: education, training and employability
- promoting Ontario’s Francophonie as an economic asset
This grouping is intended to facilitate the promotion of these programs and strategically expand their reach. This will ensure that Francophone businesses and organizations can benefit more from these programs and contribute more fully to the province’s economic development.
Pillar 1: Francophone entrepreneurship and innovation
This first pillar is designed to encourage and support entrepreneurship, a key driver of economic growth in Ontario that contributes to job creation, regional development and increased tax revenues.
This pillar also aims to increase the reach of digital technologies, which not only generate more investment in infrastructure, but also increase productivity in the industrial and service sectors.
Programs under this first pillar will:
- help Francophone entrepreneurs who are starting, expanding or buying a small business obtain support, training, mentoring and financing
- foster Francophone entrepreneurship focused on innovation, particularly business incubators and accelerators
- promote research in French-language digital technologies to position Ontario as a leader in new technologies
List of targeted programs and initiatives
- Business Consulting Services (North) (MND)
- Business Development Advisory Services (agriculture/agri-food) (OMAFRA)
- Digital Main Street initiative (MEDJCT)
- Francophone business federation and incubator services (MFA)
- Francophone Community Grants Program (MFA)
- Northern Ontario Heritage Fund Corporation (MND)
- Ontario Arts Council initiatives (MTCS)
- Ontario Creates initiatives (MTCS)
- Ontario Trillium Foundation initiatives (MTCS)
- Ontario’s Broadband and Cellular Action Plan (MOI)
- Regional Development Program (MEDJCT)
- Regional Innovation Centres (MEDJCT)
- Small Business Enterprise Centres (MEDJCT)
- Tourism Development Fund (MTCS)
Read the detailed description of programs and initiatives for more information.
The implementation of the Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario has laid the foundation for this pillar. The Fédération is designed to facilitate networking between businesses and entrepreneurs in order to increase strategic alliances, create new business opportunities, and offer support and coaching services to businesses.
The Fédération also offers business support services such as training, mentoring and concierge services to help identify support programs. These services form the basis of a potentially more comprehensive range of business incubation services.
The Fédération is now active and its Quartier d’Affaires (in French) digital platform serves as a business-to-business matchmaking tool to identify buyers and sellers of products and services, and helps these businesses develop their markets and increase their sales.
The popularity of this type of business support and incubation service is expected to grow, especially in a post-pandemic environment that will be conducive to the emergence of new entrepreneurs looking to seize opportunities and refocus their careers.
In January 2021, the Ministry of Francophone Affairs also set up a project to promote products and services of Francophone businesses. With the support of other Francophone key stakeholders, the Regroupement des gens d’affaires de la capitale nationale has created a business-to-consumer module, which was integrated into the Quartier d’Affaires digital platform on March 31, 2021.
The enhancement of this platform will allow businesses to expand the reach of their e-commerce to their Ontario clientele and to access important Francophone markets such as Quebec and New Brunswick.
In 2022, with the Ministry of Francophone Affair’s support, the Fédération des gens d'affaires francophones de l'Ontario, working with several key players, is developing a Francophone business ecosystem for entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs will benefit from the expertise of Francophone organizations that will accompany them in the pre-incubation, incubation, implementation and acceleration phases of their businesses.
Pillar 2: Bilingual skilled workforce: education, training and employability
This second pillar aims to help businesses remain competitive and support Ontario’s Francophone and bilingual workers so that they have the skills and access to training which will enable them to meet the needs of employers.
This second pillar will make it possible to:
- promote entrepreneurship, especially among young people and women
- mentor and train the next generation of Francophone leaders
- enhance the programs of the province’s French-language and bilingual colleges and universities so that they better meet the needs of businesses and the modern economy
- promote and encourage Francophone immigration to meet the need for more bilingual workers
List of targeted programs and initiatives
- Avantage Ontario (MCU)
- Better Jobs Ontario Program (MLITSD)
- Early Childhood Educators Qualifications Upgrade (EDU)
- Groupe Média TFO (EDU)
- Literacy and Basic Skills Program (MLITSD)
- Micro-credentials strategy (MCU/MLITSD)
- Newcomer settlement & language training services (MLITSD)
- Ontario Bridge Training Program (MLITSD)
- Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (MLITSD)
- Pre-apprenticeship program (MLITSD)
- SkillsAdvance Ontario (MLITSD)
- Université de l’Ontario français (in French) (MCU)
- Women’s Economic Security Program (MCCSS)
Read the detailed description of programs and initiatives for more information.
The micro-credentials strategy, which is being developed jointly by the Ministry of Colleges and Universities and the Ministry of Labour, Immigration, Training and Skills Development, shows promise in supporting businesses seeking a bilingual, skilled workforce.
Pilot micro-certification programs are already in place and are aimed at rapid skills development to help workers acquire the skills sought by employers in the automotive and advanced manufacturing sectors.
In addition, the eCampusOntario program provides online learning tools to encourage the use of educational technologies and online learning environments. To date, the program has implemented 36 pilot projects at Ontario colleges and universities.
Training programs such as Better Jobs Ontario, Bridge Training, Pre-apprenticeship and SkillsAdvance Ontario are a key component of this pillar.
Pillar 3: Promoting Ontario’s Francophonie as an economic asset
The goal of this pillar is to highlight the province’s Francophonie as an economic asset and build on Ontario’s outstanding reputation for economic dynamism, its high standard of living and its cultural diversity.
This third pillar is based on Ontario’s close economic relations with Quebec and several member countries of the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (in French) and on the value of dual trade which could be greatly increased through targeted promotion. The promotion of tourism highlighting the Francophone aspects of Ontario is also an area to explore further under this pillar.
This pillar seeks to:
- support Ontario’s Francophone entrepreneurs by further promoting the economic benefits of Ontario’s French-speaking community and helping them reach new markets
- attract Francophone entrepreneurs from abroad to invest in Ontario
- increase Francophone tourism through new strategies and coordinated promotional efforts
List of targeted programs and initiatives
- Celebrate Ontario/Reconnect Festival and Event Program (MTCS)
- Cross-ministry data collection and analysis (PDF in French) (MFA)
- Grants in support of tourism regions (MTCS)
- Membership with the Organisation internationale de la Francophonie (in French) (MFA)
- Memorandum of Understanding between Ontario and the Government of the French Community of Belgium, the Wallonia-Brussels Federation (MFA)
- Ontario-Québec Cooperation and Exchange Agreement with respect to the Francophonie (MFA)
- Joint statement between the Government of Ontario and the Government of New Brunswick (MFA)
- Joint Statement between the Ministry of Francophone Affairs of the Province of Ontario
and the Ministry for Europe and Foreign Affairs of the Republic of France (MFA) - Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Trade Award (MEDJCT)
- Promotion of products and services from francophone businesses (MFA)
Read the detailed description of programs and initiatives for more information.
A key element of this pillar is the close economic relationship between other French-speaking jurisdictions and Ontario’s economic Francophonie.
Ontario continues to strengthen our partnership with Quebec through the Agreement on Cooperation and Exchanges between the Government of Quebec and the Government of Ontario on Francophonie.
The Ontario-Quebec Francophonie Trade Award is another a concrete example of these cooperative efforts to support Francophone organizations.
The Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade (in partnership with the Fédération des gens d’affaires francophones de l’Ontario, the Fédération des Chambres de commerce du Québec (in French), the Quebec office in Toronto and the Ontario Ministry of Francophone Affairs) created an award that underscores the importance of interprovincial trade, in French, between the two provinces.
The award is given annually in recognition of a business in Ontario and a business in Quebec, where the use of French is a fundamental means of facilitating interprovincial trade between the two provinces.
This award is part of the commitment by the Premiers of Ontario and Quebec to increase trade between the two provinces and supports Ontario’s Francophone economic development strategy.
Ontario believes it is important to promote the contribution of Francophone entrepreneurs to its economic growth. We encourage the creation of bilateral exchanges with Francophone actors beyond our borders. Signing the Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Ontario and the Government of the French Community of Belgium, the Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, shows our desire to promote the Francophonie as an asset for the social, cultural and economic vitality of the province.
Finally, under this third pillar of our Francophone Economic Development Strategy, Ontario continues to address the issue of limited access to available data on the Francophone workforce and businesses. The availability of this data, and its aggregation, will:
- help develop a current portrait of Francophone businesses, an important tool for the recovery and growth of Ontario's Francophone economy
- identify new sectors of activity or new market niches for Ontario businesses
To address the lack of available data on Francophone businesses, the Fédération des gens d'affaires francophones de l'Ontario, with funding from the province, published a summary portrait of the Franco-Ontarian economy (PDF in French) that identifies the priority issues needed to be addressed to help strengthen the Francophone economic ecosystem in the province.
This Francophone economic development strategy will be implemented through the concerted efforts of the Ministry of Francophone Affairs, its partner ministries and Francophone businesses and communities.
Ultimately, this Francophone Economic Development Strategy supports the Ontario government’s vision, which is to highlight Ontario’s Francophonie as a central economic asset.