1-2 Apparatus inspections and maintenance program
Appropriate inspections and maintenance help keep apparatus and occupants safe.
Fire service apparatus must be maintained in good condition to ensure it is safe and will not jeopardize the safety of other road users or the occupants.
Actions for employers
Employers should:
- train firefighters on conducting apparatus inspections
- establish procedures for the inspections to be conducted on all fire service apparatus
- consult with the Joint Health and Safety Committee or Health and Safety Representative when developing procedures
Commercial vehicle inspections
Read more about the Ministry of Transportation information on commercial vehicle safety requirements.
For more information on the Motor Vehicle Inspection Program contact your local Ministry of Transportation Enforcement Office.
Driver inspections
Firefighters should:
- conduct and document vehicle inspections
- monitor the apparatus for any defects
Firefighters must report defects which may endanger the health and safety of workers to the employer or supervisor.
Apparatus preventative maintenance program
Employers should:
- develop a preventative maintenance program
- inspect apparatus at regular intervals to ensure they are safe
- keep inspection records including the date, odometer reading, the nature of the inspection and any repairs
- make inspection and repair records available to apparatus drivers
Apparatus weight
Apparatus should have a safe overall weight and weight distribution. Employers should consider how equipment distribution affects the overall balance and weight of the apparatus.
Applicable regulations and acts
- Occupational Health and Safety Act
- clause 25(1)(b) for maintaining equipment in good condition
- clause 25(2)(a) for providing information and instruction to workers
- clause 28(1)(c) for reporting equipment defects
- Regulation 714/94 – Firefighters – Protective Equipment
- section 6 for inspection, testing and service record requirements for chassis mounted aerial devices
- Highway Traffic Act for commercial vehicle safety requirements