Item 7: Lifting devices
Overview of Item 7
A PSR is required for Item 7 when any of the following are used:
- a travelling crane, overhead crane, monorail crane, gantry crane, jib crane or other lifting device suspended from or supported by a structure
- a vehicle lift or hoist
Sections 51 (lifting device) and 53 (travelling crane) of the Industrial Establishments Regulation are the applicable provisions that set out the requirements that must be complied with for the PSR.
The Industrial Establishments Regulation defines “lifting device” as a device that is used to raise or lower any material or object and includes its rails and other supports but does not include a device to which the Elevating Devices Regulation (O. Reg. 209/01), made under the Technical Standards and Safety Act, 2000, applies.
The following are examples of lifting devices that may require a PSR because they are on a supporting structure:
- jib cranes (free standing or column mounted)
- monorail beam
- travelling crane
- gantry crane
- automated storage retrieval system
Out of scope
The following are examples of devices and equipment that do not require PSRs for Item 7:
- forklifts, scissor lifts
- ergonomic lift/lower tables
- hook lifting devices
- industrial manipulators
- mobile cranes
- permanently anchored rescue equipment
PSR for Item 7
A PSR must include details of the measures needed to comply with sections 51 and 53 of the Industrial Establishments Regulation.
The PSR should focus on the adequacy of the supporting structure in a factory that supports a lifting device. Capacity is a factor that would need to be considered. The supporting structure includes rails, frames and posts.
The following code, guidelines and standards should be used by the reviewer conducting the PSR:
- Ontario Building Code (O. Reg. 332/12) under the Building Code Act, 1992
- CSA- S16.1, Steel Structures for Buildings – Limit States Design
- CSA S136, Cold Formed Steel Structural Members
- CSA S157, Strength Design in Aluminum
- The Civil Engineering Handbook, editors: W. F. Chen, J.Y. Richard Liew, CRC Press 2002, 2nd edition
Reviewer for a PSR for Item 7
A reviewer for Item 7 must be an engineer.
Exemptions for Item 7
An exemption for a PSR may be claimed if the supporting structure was originally designed for the travelling crane, overhead crane, monorail crane, gantry crane, jib crane or other lifting device that is being installed or used.
If a vehicle lift or hoist has been certified as meeting current applicable standards, a workplace may also claim an exemption from conducting a PSR.
Documents for establishing an exemption
In establishing an exemption to Item 7, the following documents would be acceptable:
- design drawings or a report containing the design loading capacity of the original support structure for the lifting device or travelling crane. The design drawings or report must bear the signature and seal of an engineer.
- documentation that a vehicle lift or hoist is certified as meeting ANSI/ALI ALCTV-2011* – Automotive Lifts – Safety Requirements for Construction, Testing and Validation. The Automotive Lift Institute (ALI) maintains lists of certified lifts and hoists.
The installation of a vehicle lift or hoist should only be carried out by workers who have received adequate training and are familiar with installation procedures. The installation should be carried out in accordance with instructions from the manufacturer or an engineer licensed in Ontario.