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Guideline No. 3: Communication regarding potentially hazards procedures
- Prior to the performance of all stunts, potentially hazardous work situations, or pyrotechnic effects (e.g. working with explosives, explosive devices, flammable or combustible liquids, gas or chemicals on any set), the Production Manager through the 1st Assistant Director, should give notification to all personnel. The call sheet should state that explosive or pyrotechnical special effects will be utilized.
- Before any explosive or potentially hazardous sequence is to be performed, a meeting should be called for all personnel involved and they should be thoroughly briefed at a meeting on the site where the explosion sequence is to take place. This meeting should include an "on-site walk-through" or a "dry run" with the Special Effects Coordinator and all the personnel involved in the event. The Special Effects Coordinator should plan and provide acceptable avenues of escape. An understanding of the intended action, possible deviations and authority to abort should be made clear.
- If, at any time, substantial changes become necessary, a meeting should again be called for all personnel involved in the hazardous procedure to confirm everyone understands and agrees to the change(s).
The crew Health & Safety Representative or Joint Health and Safety Committee Representative should also be involved in all health and safety meetings.
Updated: April 27, 2022
Published: April 27, 2022