We're moving content over from an older government website. We'll align this page with the ontario.ca style guide in future updates.
Guideline No. 5: Stunt plan
This document will aid the Stunt Coordinator to detail and assess the stunt sequence and actions.
This assessment should include any safety considerations given within the scope of the original design. It should be completed for each stunt sequence and should refer to other applicable Guidelines (i.e. Guideline #14 Seat Belts, Harnesses, Roll Cages and Airbags for Vehicles, Guideline #15 Motorcycles, Guideline #25 High Fall, Guideline #30 Underwater Stunts and Underwater Film Operations, etc.).
The Production Company will retain one copy of the stunt plan in the Production Office and provide one copy to the insurance company and each applicable union.
A copy of the plan should be submitted to the local fire department and other authorities having jurisdiction over stunts involving fire or pyrotechnics.
This information must also be made available to all personnel involved in the preparation and performance of the stunt sequence.
This will allow all parties to review and be aware of the action plan, risks involved and controls as may be necessary for the intended sequence.
Stunt prep procedures
- Complete this form with stunt diagram (enclosed).
- Notify all personnel involved in creating the stunt (e.g. SPFX, art dept, props, wardrobe, hair) of the stunt plan.
- Conduct a meeting detailing the step by step stunt plan. Identify all the hazards, both individually and/or collectively, to all those involved (e.g. what will happen, how and when; hazards and controls implemented).
- This meeting must include the emergency procedures and the location of emergency medical personnel/facilities and stunt safety personnel.
- Answer any questions and/or respond to concerns completely within a reasonable amount of time.
- Allow for adequate training and/or rehearsal time and document training with a logbook.
Shoot day procedures
- On the day of the shoot, review and conduct a dry run with all involved.
- If there are any changes to the stunt plan, review the entire plan.
- Make sure that communications, including cues, are absolutely clear between everyone involved especially after last minute changes.
- Ensure adequate time is allotted to inspect and reset prior to each take.
Issues to be considered to ensure they are addressed
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of questions and does not relieve the workplace parties of their obligations under the OHSA.
- Do all stunt personnel have the required licenses or certification cards in their possession (e.g. SCUBA certification, motorcycle license etc.) and have they been verified?
- Is there a helicopter involved? If yes, have safety rules/policies been reviewed and has personnel been notified and rehearsed?
- Is any fixed-wing aircraft involved? If yes, have safety rules/policies been reviewed, has personnel been notified and rehearsed, and has the aerial coordinator's flight safety manual been reviewed?
- Are cables or other special rigging involved? If yes, have safety signals/rules/policies been reviewed and have all cast, crew and stunt personnel been notified and rehearsed?
- Have Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS) been obtained for any hazardous substances that are to be used?
- Has each piece of stunt equipment been carefully selected and inspected?
- Do any modifications, to action or equipment, need to be made to ensure safety?
- Is personal protective equipment or any other equipment required? If yes, has the equipment been carefully selected, and inspected (e.g. cranes, rigging equipment, fire suppression equipment, etc.)?
- Does everyone clearly understand how communication will be maintained throughout the stunt?
- Are there any physical conditions at the site of the shoot that may cause an unexpected hazard, such as telephone/street light poles?
- Are there planned procedures for:
- human error
- mechanical error
- outside interference (loss of communication)
- the unexpected
- natural acts (i.e weather changes)
- Have proper arrangements been made for emergency medical services
- Is a doctor needed on the set?
- Is a stand-by ambulance or helicopter needed?
- Has the nearest emergency medical facility been notified of your work?
- Are fire protection and suppression equipment and/or personnel needed?
- Have proper arrangements been made for fire protection, where required?
- fire extinguishers and persons trained to use them
- charged fire hose
- stand-by fire apparatus and trained crew
Pre-planned stunt information and safety assessment
Note: This is not a comprehensive list of questions and does not relieve the workplace parties of their obligations under the OHSA.
Current Date:
Production Title:
Production Company:
Scene Number (s):
Script Day Number:
Day / Night / Interior / Exterior
- Location address(s) of stunt sequence to take place.
- Location details as noted on survey: (e.g. gravel road, pot holes, narrow curve around gate area, rusty iron balcony, etc.).
- Stunt as scripted or attach script page(s).
- Describe the details of the stunt sequence/ scripted action to be performed and how they will be performed. Consistently and specifically state imperial or metric system. (e.g. km/hr vs. miles/hr; feet vs. meters, lbs vs. kg) Also state the range and scope of parameters that are anticipated for the performance for the stunt (e.g. vehicle speed may range from 60-70 km/hr).
- Analysis of hazards and risk associated with the action/stunt (list for each character).
- State how the hazards that may be encountered in the stunt performance are to be identified and managed? Provide details regarding any necessary controls to be put in place.
- List the type(s) of safety personnel required (e.g. spotters, riggers, ETF, high angle rescue etc, fire suppression personnel).
- List any medical personnel/emergency services required (e.g. stand-by doctors, nurses, paramedics, ambulance, fire truck etc.).
- Provide details regarding a contingency plan:
- Outline emergency procedures for responding to any significant failure of a component of the stunt.
- Outline emergency procedures for responding to loss of communication with anyone involved in the stunt.
- Outline emergency procedures for aborting a stunt.
- Outline instructions for communicating with medical assistance in the event of an emergency.
- Outline emergency procedures for the evacuation of anyone injured.
Pre-Planned Stunt Diagram
Also include locations of stand-by personnel, cameras, crew, etc.
Signature of Stunt Coordinator:
(print name)
This document has been prepared by the Stunt Coordinator for the Producer and Production's acceptance.
Date Accepted:
Producer Signature: