Advisory Committees on Special Education
An advisory committee is a group of volunteers that meets regularly on a long-term basis to provide advice and/or support to an institution or organization. The following advisory committees, as required by legislation, support the delivery of special education programs and services for students with special education needs.
The Minister's Advisory Council on Special Education (MACSE): Established by Order-in-Council, the MACSE advises the Minister of Education on any matter related to the establishment and provision of special education programs and special education services for exceptional students, including the identification and provision of early intervention programs for students with special needs. (See Appendix A-1, for information about representation on the MACSE).
Special Education Advisory Committees (SEACs): Subsection 57.1(1) of the Education Act requires every district school board to establish a Special Education Advisory Committee. For a detailed list of the responsibilities of SEACs, see the Roles and Responsibilities in Special Education section above.
The Provincial Parent Association Advisory Committee on Special Education Advisory Committees (PAAC on SEAC): The PAAC on SEAC was established to provide a forum for parent associations to share ideas and strategies and to address common concerns related to SEACs throughout the province. The PAAC on SEAC provides information and resources to parent associations and promotes successful practices for SEACs.