Appendix E-3: An IEP checklist
The IEP must include the following items:
- Reasons for developing the IEP
- A profile of the student, including the student's name, date of birth, student number, current grade, exceptionality, and placement, as well as the name of the student's school and its principal and the date of the student's most recent IPRC.
- Relevant assessment data
- The student's strengths and needs
- Specialized health support services required by the student
- The subjects, courses, or alternative programs to which the IEP applies
- Accommodations required by the student
- Any accommodations for or exemptions from provincial assessments
- The student's current level of achievement in every subject or course in which modified expectations are required and in every alternative program
- Modified or alternative expectations for the reporting period
- Teaching strategies and other accommodations tailored to the student's strengths, needs, learning style, and interests, to support learning and determine progress in achieving modified or alternative expectations
- Human resources (both teaching and non-teaching) to be provided
- Reporting dates for evaluations and an indication of the way in which student progress will be reported to parents
- A transition plan that identifies the student's goals and the steps and actions required to enable the student to achieve those goals
- A record of parent/student consultations
- A record of staff review and updating of the IEP
- Signatures of the principal, parent, and student if 16 or older
Updated: February 29, 2024
Published: August 31, 2022