The following table is based on the IEP standards as set out in the policy document Individual Education Plans: Standards for Development, Program Planning, and Implementation (2000).

Standard Purpose of the Standard

1. Reason for Developing an IEP

To identify clearly for parents, school staff, and the Ministry of Education the reason for developing an IEP for the particular student

2. Student Profile

To provide essential information about the student that was used to support the decision to provide the special education program and services

3. The Student's Strengths and Needs

To identify the student's strengths and needs clearly, as the basis on which an appropriate special education program and services are developed

4. The Special Education Program

4.1 The Student's Current Level of Achievement

To provide a starting point from which to measure the student's progress towards achieving the learning expectations and annual goals set out in the IEP

4.2 Annual Program Goals

To inform the student, parents, and teachers of the goals towards which the student is progressing through the achievement of the learning expectations set out in the IEP

4.3 Learning Expectations

To provide a focus for learning that is based on the student's strengths, needs, and current level of achievement and to clearly identify the knowledge and skills that the student is expected to acquire while working towards his or her annual goals in a particular subject, course, or skill area

5. Special Education Strategies, Accommodations, and Resources

To ensure that teachers, parents, and the student clearly understand the range of strategies, accommodations, and resources that will be employed to facilitate the student's learning

6. Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting

6.1 Assessment Methods and Accommodations

To ensure that an appropriate range of methods and strategies is used to give the student the opportunity to demonstrate the full extent of his or her achievement of the learning expectations

6.2 Evaluation and Reporting of Student Achievement

To ensure regular evaluation and reporting of the student's achievement of the learning expectations

7. Provincial Assessments

7.1 Accommodations for Participation in Provincial Assessments

To ensure that students who have an IEP are given the opportunity to participate and demonstrate the full extent of their knowledge and skills in provincial assessments

7.2 Exemptions from Provincial Assessments

To ensure that any exemption from a provincial assessment is justified for the particular student

8. The Transition Planfootnote B

To ensure that the student is well prepared to meet postsecondary goals that are appropriate to the student's strengths, needs, and interests, and that the student receives the assistance necessary for making a smooth transition

9. Parent/Student Consultation

To ensure that parents and the student, if the student is 16 years of age or older, are consulted in the development and review of the IEP, in accordance with Regulation 181/98

10. Staff Involvement in the Development of the IEP

To ensure that the IEP is developed collaboratively and that the individuals involved in its development bring together the knowledge and experience that will best serve the needs of the student

11. Information Sources

To ensure a sound and reliable basis for the development of every student's IEP through the use of a variety of appropriate sources of information about the student and his or her educational needs

12. Date of Completion of the IEP

To ensure the timely preparation of the student's IEP, in accordance with Regulation 181/98

13. Implementation and Monitoring

To ensure the effectiveness of the IEP through proper implementation and monitoring

14. Reviewing and Updating

To ensure that the student's special education program and services remain effective and appropriate to the student's needs and strengths over time
