Key ministry policy and resource documents pertaining to students with special education needs
The following ministry policy documents outline program requirements for all elementary and secondary schools, and all students, including students with special education needs, in Ontario.
- Creating Pathways to Success: An Education and Career/Life Planning Program for Ontario Schools – Policy and Program Requirements, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013) sets out the career development policy for Ontario schools, which involves the implementation of a comprehensive Kindergarten to Grade 12 education and career/life planning program designed to help students achieve their personal goals and become competent, successful, and contributing members of society.
- Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12: Policy and Program Requirements (2016) sets out the requirements that govern the policies and programs of publicly funded elementary and secondary schools throughout Ontario. Section 3.3 (“Students with Special Education Needs”), section 3.4 (“Provincial and Demonstration Schools”), section 3.5 (“Education Programs for Students in an Education and Community Partnership Program (ECPP) (formerly known as Care and/or Treatment, Custody and Correctional programs”)), and section 7.4 (“Alternative [Non-Credit] Courses”) are of particular relevance to educators working with exceptional students, but the policies outlined throughout the document are relevant to all students, including students with special education needs. Other sections of particular interest are as follows:
- Section 6.1.3 (“The Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement”), along with Appendix 3 (“The Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement – Accommodations, Special Provisions, Deferrals, and Exemptions”), Sections 1, 3, and 4. (The policies outlined in PPM No. 127, “The Secondary School Literacy Graduation Requirement”, 2009, are incorporated here.)
- Section 6.4, “The Certificate of Accomplishment”
- Section 7.2.5, “Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition (PLAR)”
- Section 10.1, “E-Learning”
- The Ontario curriculum policy documents for the various subjects and disciplines provide grade-by-grade expectations for students in elementary and secondary schools in Ontario. In each of the elementary and secondary curriculum policy documents, there is a section summarizing policies and approaches related to planning programs for students with special education needs, including those who require accommodations only and those who require modified expectations as well as accommodations.
- Growing Success: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools – First Edition, Covering Grades 1 to 12 (2010) sets out policies and practices related to assessment, evaluation, and reporting in all schools and for all students. Chapter 6 (“Reporting Student Achievement”) and Chapter 7 (“Students with Special Education Needs: Modifications, Accommodations, and Alternative Programs”) outline policies and practices for assessment, evaluation, and reporting that are specific to students with special education needs. In conjunction with the release of The Kindergarten Program (2016), the ministry has released the policy document Growing Success – The Kindergarten Addendum: Assessment, Evaluation, and Reporting in Ontario Schools (2016).
- Ontario First Nation, Métis, and Inuit Education Policy Framework (2007) provides the strategic policy context within which the Ministry of Education, school boards, and schools will work together to improve the academic achievement of Indigenous students.
The following ministry resource documents also contain information relevant to special education.
- Caring and Safe Schools in Ontario: Supporting Students with Special Education Needs Through Progressive Discipline, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2010) sets out a framework that system and school leaders may use to strengthen schools' ability to provide a caring and safe environment, in which responses to behaviour issues are shaped by informed consideration of students' needs and circumstances.
- Effective Educational Practices for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders: A Resource Guide (2007) is designed to support educators in elementary and secondary schools in planning and implementing effective instructional programs for students with autism spectrum disorders (ASD). It contains information, strategies, and practices that can be put to use in the school and the classroom.
- Foundations for a Healthy School: Promoting Well-Being Is Part of Ontario's Achieving Excellence Vision (2014)is designed to help contribute to a learning environment that promotes and supports child and student well-being. This goal emphasizes the need to focus not just on academic success, but also on the whole child and student – their cognitive, emotional, social, and physical development.
- Including Students with Special Education Needs in French as a Second Language Programs: A Guide for Ontario Schools (2015) builds on one of the guiding principles of A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013), which is that “FSL programs are for all students”. An examination of current research literature, data, policies, and school board practices highlights the benefits of second-language learning for students with special education needs and supports the engagement of stakeholders in decision making that reflects inclusive FSL programs and case–by–case decision making in the best interests of individual students.
- Learning for All: A Guide to Effective Assessment and Instruction for All Students, Kindergarten to Grade 12 (2013) outlines an integrated process of assessment and instruction designed to improve student learning at both the elementary and secondary levels.
- Shared Solutions: A Guide to Preventing and Resolving Conflicts Regarding Programs and Services for Students with Special Education Needs (2007) is designed to help parents, educators, and students with special education needs address conflicts.
- Supporting Bias-Free Progressive Discipline in Schools: A Resource Guide for School and System Leaders (2013) was developed jointly by the Ministry of Education and the Ontario Human Rights Commission. The document is intended to guide school and system leaders in fostering a bias-free approach to progressive discipline, prevention, and early intervention practices to support positive student behaviour among all students.
- Supporting Minds: An Educator's Guide to Promoting Students' Mental Health and Well-being (Draft Version, 2013) provides educators with the information they need to support students with mental health and addiction problems through early recognition and effective classroom strategies.
- Education Funding: A Guide to the Special Education Grant provides an overview of special education funding in Ontario. The purpose of the guide is to provide a clear explanation of the funding model for parents, the public, and other partners in education.
Updated: February 29, 2024
Published: August 31, 2022