Component: IHWS – Crisis Intervention

Legislation: Ministry of Community and Social Services Act

Service Objectives

Crisis intervention: Increase the safety of Indigenous women/individuals and their dependents through the provision of safe, temporary residence and support services

Therapeutic: the provision of counselling and supports necessary to assist Indigenous women/individuals and their dependents through the crisis, and support family healing

Rehabilitative: the provision of post-crisis after-care and support to facilitate healing and the re-building of a safe and healthy life in a violence-free environment for Indigenous families, particularly Indigenous women/individuals and their dependents, including support with accessing safe and affordable housing (e.g., case management, referrals, advocacy, other support services)

Service Description

  • Safe, temporary residence and support services (e.g., safety planning, support with accessing housing, counselling) for women/individuals and their dependents
  • Programming may include client-specific, non-bed-based services such as follow-up/aftercare and support, safety planning, support with accessing housing, and group activities to prevent violence and support family healing

People Served

  • Indigenous individuals and their dependents, including Indigenous women, Two- Spirit, transgender, intersex and non-binary individuals, Indigenous men, and Indigenous families
  • Shelter & Family Healing Programs may also serve non-Indigenous individuals and/or families, as needed

Program / Service Features

The program/services contracted by the Ministry will reflect the following features

  • Indigenous cultural approaches are reflected or used as a part of the activities and services
  • It is expected that bed-based programming/services be available 365 days a year. Any proposed difference in this schedule requires explanation and MCCSS agreement
  • Programming and services are culturally responsive, trauma-informed, and strengths-based and reflect the individual and/or family needs

Specific Service Provided

1. Client-Specific services

Client-specific services are intended to promote and support personal or family safety, health and well-being

  • The services are intended to facilitate healing of those who are involved in or have experienced violence
  • Shelter & Family Healing programs may offer preventative, therapeutic and rehabilitative programming for men who are involved in family violence, violence against Indigenous women, and/or experienced violence
  • Bed-Based services: the provision of safe, temporary residence and may include food and items to address personal needs (e.g. hygiene products, toys and games for children) and support services to women/individuals and their dependents who are seeking safety
    • Bed-Based support services have a client-specific healing or therapeutic objective and process and may include
      • Counselling
      • Safety and transition planning
      • Referral to other necessary services/programs
      • Access to Indigenous healing services
      • Supports in accessing safe and affordable housing, including assisting with housing applications and developing transition plans
      • Advocacy on behalf of the woman/individual and their dependents
      • Emergency transportation
    • Non-bed-based support services (such as those identified under bed-based support services above) are provided to individuals not accessing bed-based services. Services are offered to those seeking to increase or maintain personal or family safety, or reduce the risk or incidence of violence, and/or to support healing

2. Group activities

  • Activities are provided in a group-based setting oriented towards reducing and preventing family violence, violence against Indigenous women and improving Indigenous health, healing and wellness by
    • Providing focused education and information
    • Promoting positive change in values, attitudes and behaviours, and/or
    • Fostering healing and enabling individuals, families and communities to achieve and enjoy a healthy and balanced life
  • Group activities may include
    • Healing/cultural teaching circles and/or support groups
    • Cultural activities (e.g., drum, fan, moccasin and regalia making, tanning hides, ceremonies, sweat lodges, traditional teachings)
    • Workshops (e.g., life skills, violence prevention, healthy relationships, anger management)
    • Fitness and/or recreational activities
    • Land-based activities (e.g., canoeing)

3. Community outreach, engagement & relationship building

  • Community outreach, engagement and relationship building activities are offered to the community-at-large and/or other organizations and oriented towards reducing and preventing family violence and improving Indigenous health, healing, and wellness
  • Activities may include
    • Public presentations
    • Public awareness and education campaigns
    • Organizing or participating in community, health and wellness fairs or events (e.g., pow-wows, feasts)
    • Participating in local committees
    • Outreach and relationship-building with health and social service organizations, local social/housing providers, and other community partners (e.g., information sharing, referral protocol development and agreements, building cultural awareness and competency, hosting gatherings)

4. Reporting requirements

  • Year-end reporting template – transitional & housing support programming
  • Funded recipients are required to submit a year-end reporting template on the outputs and impacts of transitional and housing support programming in IHWS. The template is downloadable in Transfer Payment Ontario
  • Service Data

The following service data will be reported on at an Interim and Final stage. Please refer to your final agreement for report back due dates and targets.

Service Data Name


# of Individuals: Received Bed-Based Services: SFHP

Unique, or unduplicated, count of women/individuals who received bed-based, client-specific services during the reporting period, which includes safe temporary residence and support services. See Service description for further details and examples of client-specific services.

Each unique individual is counted only once per reporting period, even if they leave the shelter and return at another point during the reporting period. If the individual carries into the next fiscal year, the individual is counted again in the new reporting period. Only individuals accessing bed-based, client-specific services provided through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing Program are counted under this data element. Individuals who only access non-bed-based, client-specific services and phone calls to the shelter are excluded from this data element.

# of Individuals: Received Non-Bed-Based Support Services: SFHP

Unique, or unduplicated, count of women/individuals who received non-bed-based, client-specific (day programming) supports, such as counselling, safety and transition planning, referrals, etc. See Service description for further details and examples of client-specific services.

Each unique individual is counted only once per reporting period, even if they access multiple non-bed-based supports. If the individual carries into the next fiscal year, the individual is counted again in the new reporting period. Phone calls made to the shelter and where client-specific services are provided are counted under this data element. Only individuals who access non-bed-based (day programming) provided through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing program are counted under this data element. Individuals who access bed-based, client-specific services are excluded from this data element.

# of Dependents: Received Bed-Based Services: SFHP

Unique, or unduplicated, count of dependents (i.e., children) who received bed-based, client-specific services through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing program during the reporting period. A dependent is counted only once per reporting period even if they received multiple services. If the dependent carries into the next fiscal year, the dependent is counted again in the new reporting period. Only dependents accessing bed-based, client-specific services provided through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing Program are counted under this data element. Dependents who only access non-bed-based, client-specific services are excluded from this data element.

# of Dependents: Received Non-Bed-Based Support Services: SFHP

Unique, or unduplicated, count of dependents (i.e., children) who received non-bed-based, client-specific support services through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing program during the reporting period.

A dependent is counted only once per reporting period even if they received multiple services. If the dependent carries into the next fiscal year, the dependent is counted again in the new reporting period. Only dependents who access non-bed-based (day programming) provided through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing program are counted under this data element. Dependents who access bed-based, client-specific services are excluded from this data element.

# of Bed-Based, Client-Specific Services: SFHP

The total number of client-specific services provided to individuals (including dependents/children) who are staying in the shelter/bed-based program during the reporting period. This is the total number of client-specific services delivered to individuals staying in an IHWS-funded congregate care setting. See Service description for further details and examples of client-specific services.

For example, if an individual accessed counselling services while staying at a bed-based shelter/program five times in the reporting period, this would be counted as five.

# of Non-Bed-Based, Client-Specific Services: SFHP

The total number of non-bed-based, client-specific services provided to individuals during the reporting period. This is the total number of client-specific services delivered to individuals who accessed services through day programming (i.e., the individual is not staying in a bed-based setting while accessing the client-specific services). See Service description for further details and examples of client-specific services.

For example, if an individual who is not staying at the shelter/bed-based setting accessed counselling services five times in the reporting period, this would be counted as five.

# of Group Activities: Bed-Based Programming: SFHP

The total number of group activities for individuals participating in bed-based programming delivered through the Shelter & Family Healing Program in the reporting period. Each activity held during the reporting period should be counted as 1.

If a group activity includes both bed-based and non-bed-based individuals, include the activity in EITHER “Number of Group Activities: Bed-Based Programming” OR “Number of Group Activities: Non-Bed-Based Programming”, according to the primary purpose of the activity and/or targeted individuals.

If a group activity for individuals participating in bed-based programming is jointly organized/funded with another IHWS program, only one program should report the group activity (to be decided by the service provider). The program that reports the group activity should also report the total number of individuals who attended that group activity under the “Number of Bed-Based Individuals: Accessed Group Activities: SFHP”.

If group activities for individuals participating in bed-based programming are not provided through your IHWS- funded program, put “0”. See Service description for further details and examples of group activities.

# of Bed-Based Individuals: Accessed Group Activities: SFHP

The total number of bed-based individuals who took part in group activities delivered through the Shelter & Family Healing Program during the reporting period. The same individual can be counted more than once if they participate in more than one group activity in the same reporting period. The total number of unique participants for each group activity is added to calculate the total number of individuals who took part in group activities in the reporting period. For example, if an individual attends four group activities in a reporting period, count four (4).

If a group activity is jointly organized/funded with another IHWS program, only one program should report the group activity (to be decided by the service provider). The program that reported the group activity (to be decided by the service provider) is responsible for reporting the total number of individuals who accessed the group activity under this data element. Do not include participants of the group activities that were not reported in “Number of Group Activities: Bed-Based Programming: SFHP”.

If group activities for individuals participating in bed-based programming are not provided through your IHWS- funded program, put “0”. See Service description for further details and examples of group activities.

# of Group Activities: Non-Bed-Based Programming: SFHP

The total number of group activities for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming delivered through the Shelter & Family Healing Program in the reporting period. Each activity held during the reporting period should be counted as 1.

If a group activity includes both bed-based and non-bed-based individuals, include the activity in EITHER “Number of Group Activities: Bed-Based Programming” OR “Number of Group Activities: Non-Bed-Based Programming”, according to the primary purpose of the activity and/or targeted individuals.

If a group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming is jointly organized/funded with another IHWS program, only one program should report the group activity (to be decided by the service provider). The program that reports the group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming should also report the total number of individuals who attended that group activity under the “Number of Non-Bed-Based Individuals: Accessed Group Activities: SFHP”.

If group activities for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming are not provided through your IHWS-funded program, put “0”. See Service description for further details and examples of group activities.

# of Non-Bed-Based Individuals: Accessed Group Activities: SFHP

The total number of non-bed-based individuals who took part in group activities delivered through the Shelter & Family Healing Program during the reporting period. The same individual can be counted more than once if they participate in more than one group activity in the same reporting period. The total number of unique participants for each group activity is added to calculate the total number of individuals who took part in group activities in the reporting period. For example, if an individual attends four group activities in a reporting period, count four (4).

If a group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming is jointly organized/funded with another IHWS program, only one program should report the group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming (to be decided by the service provider). The program that reported the group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming (to be decided by the service provider) is responsible for reporting the total number of individuals who accessed the group activity for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming under this data element. Do not include participants of the group activities that were not reported in “Number of Group Activities: Non-Bed-Based Programming: SFHP”.

If group activities for individuals participating in non-bed-based programming are not provided through your IHWS-funded program, put “0”. See Service description for further details and examples of group activities.

# of Community outreach, engagement & relationship building Activities: SFHP

The total number of Community outreach, engagement & relationship building activities delivered through the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing program during the reporting period. Each activity should be counted as 1. See Service description for further details and examples of Community outreach, engagement & relationship building activities.

If Community outreach, engagement & relationship building activities are not provided through your IHWS-funded program, put “0”.

# of Requests for Service: Unfulfilled: SFHP

This data element includes requests for bed-based services that were:

  • Referred elsewhere because the service was at capacity (e.g., beds are at capacity); or
  • Placed on a waitlist

The same individual may be counted more than once if they requested service at different points in the reporting period. Reporting is based on the initial response that takes place following the request for service. For example, if a woman requests service and is placed on the waitlist and receives the service within the same quarter, her request for service should still be reported once under this data element.

Dependents are not counted under this data element.

# of Resident Days: SFHP

The number of 24-hour periods for which an individual (including dependents/children) is provided bed-based care. The day on which an individual is admitted is counted as one day of service. The day on which an individual is discharged is not counted. Each occupied IHWS-funded bed counts as one day of bed-based care, which includes overflow beds, such as cots/hotel beds.

When the individual enters and leaves the service on the same day, one day is counted.

Beds occupied by a dependent or child are included in this count. Note: The day of exit is not counted to allow accurate calculation of occupancy rates. Otherwise, the same bed would be counted twice for two different individuals on the same day.

To track resident days, take a daily census of occupied beds (including alternate settings if used) and add up the census to calculate the total number of resident days for the reporting period.

# of Beds: SFHP

The total number of beds dedicated for bed-based services to the IHWS Shelter & Family Healing Program at the end of the reporting period. The total number of beds includes the spaces that are and are not occupied at the time of count.

The following types of beds are counted:

  • Beds funded by MCCSS; and
  • Beds funded by other revenue (e.g., fundraising) but dedicated for use for SFHP clients

The following types of beds are NOT included in the count:

  • Beds funded by other programs (e.g., homelessness); and
  • Alternate settings (e.g., overflow beds, cots, hotel rooms, cribs, etc.) that are used when the shelter is at capacity.

Ministry- funded Agency Expenditures: SFHP

Total ministry-funded expenses for the Transfer Payment Recipient to administer and/or deliver the Shelter & Family Healing program in the reporting year (cumulative).