Keeping Health Care Providers informed of payment, policy or program changes

To: Hospital Administrators
Category: Interprovincial Health Care INFOBulletins
Published by: Hospitals and Capital Division, Ministry of Health
Date Issued: July 24, 2020

Re: Ontario hospital interprovincial billing rates for 2020-21 fiscal year

The new interprovincial billing rates for the 2020-21 fiscal year, for inpatient services, well newborns, high cost transplants, and special implants and devices, are effective as of April 1, 2020. These new rates are outlined in further detail in the attachments.

Note that the national Assistant Deputy Ministers Policy Advisory Committee has approved the interprovincial billing rates for outpatient services to remain the same as the 2019-20 rates for these services.

Please forward this bulletin and its attachments to your hospital’s out-of-province billing department to ensure efficient processing of your hospital's reciprocal billing claims.

Should you have any further inquiries, need clarification regarding any of the information presented here, or be interested in obtaining a copy of the Ontario Hospital Reciprocal Billing Manual, please contact the ministry via e-mail at

Attachments: Interprovincial hospital billing rates for 2020-2021 fiscal year