Agriculture and food
Find resources and information on topics including farming, land use, food manufacturing, funding, research and more.
Find resources on commercial apple production, including crop management, harvesting, pest management and more.
Find information for berry producers and home growers on varieties, pests and diseases, production systems maximizing freshness and more.
Field crops
Find resources on producers on crop production, forages, cereals, soybeans and more.
Field vegetables
Learn about field vegetable production in Ontario, including soil management, irrigation, pest control and more.
Find resources on grape production in Ontario, including how to plan a vineyard, available pest control options, irrigation and crop load management and more.
Greenhouse crops
Find resources on vegetable and floriculture production, pest and disease management and more.
Learn about producing hops in Ontario, including crop agronomy, pest management, seasonal activities in the hop yard and more.
Nursery and landscape
Learn about ornamental nursery and landscape crop production in Ontario including soil and fertility, how to manage pests and diseases, and more.
Tender fruit
Find resources on fruit production, orchard management, pest management and reducing damage due to weather.
Learn about growing tomatoes in Ontario, including management techniques, scouting, support during adverse weather and more.
Livestock, poultry and honey bees
Find information about honey bee health and beekeeping in Ontario, including regulations, registration, permits and resources.
Learn about raising aquatic animals, the different species being farmed and the future outlook of the industry.
Beef farming
Find resources on beef production in Ontario including breeding, proper care and handling, feeding and nutrition, marketing and more.
Biosecurity for livestock
Learn about best practices for different types of livestock biosecurity to reduce the spread of disease.
Dairy farming
Find resources on dairy farming in Ontario, including feeding and nutrition, cow care, facilities and more.
Dairy goat farming
Find resources on starting and managing a dairy goat farm, producing goat milk, health and nutrition, and meeting regulatory requirements.
Meat goat farming
Learn about producing meat goats in Ontario, including how to start a meat goat farm and best practices for health and nutrition.
Poultry farming
Learn about poultry production practices, deadstock disposal, health, animal care, biosecurity and meat inspection.
Sheep farming
Find resources on starting a sheep farm, lambing, feeding and nutrition, handling, health and more.
Swine farming
Learn about swine production in Ontario, including nutrition, welfare, disease management, business, marketing and more.
Veal farming
Find resources on veal production, handling calves, feeding and nutrition, and more.
Agricultural tools and resources
Learn how to create custom maps and find agricultural information for Ontario using the AgMaps interactive mapping website.
Learn about free online tools to help you make decisions about crop and nutrient management and calculate minimum distance separation.
Cost of production for crops and livestock
Learn about the economics and costs of production for growing crops and raising livestock in Ontario.
Farm business decision calculators
Learn how to evaluate farm business decisions using these calculators as a tool.
Provincial Premises Registry Initiative
Register an agri-food land parcel in the provincial database and get your Premises Identification Number.
Soils GeoHub
Discover information and data related to Ontario soils through various interactive web applications.
Agricultural land use
Agricultural best management practices
Find a list of publications about conserving a farm’s soil and water resources without losing productivity.
Agricultural drainage
Find resources on construction, maintenance, grants, resolving disputes and more.
Farm buildings, equipment and environment
Learn about constructing, maintaining and operating farm buildings and equipment.
Nutrient management
Find resources on managing manure, biosolids and other organic material, including siting, storage, handling, anaerobic digestion and more.
Organic crop and livestock production in Ontario
Learn more about the requirements and practices for organic crop and livestock farming.
Soil resources in Ontario
Find resources to manage and improve soil health in Ontario.
Water management
Resources for Ontario farmers and rural landowners to help manage and protect ground and source water.
Foodland Ontario
Learn about the local foods grown in Ontario, see what’s in season and find recipes.
Food and beverage processing
Find resources on how to start or expand your business, and find industry news and events.
Local food in Ontario
Learn about tools, resources and programs that support the province’s local food economy.
Food inspection programs
Dairy Inspection Program
Learn about regulatory requirements for the production, transportation, processing, packaging and distribution of cow and goat milk and milk products.
Fish Inspection Program
Find out more about the provincial Fish Inspection Program.
Foods of Plant Origin
Learn about regulatory requirements for produce, honey and maple products in Ontario and access additional resources.
Meat Inspection Program
Find out more about the provincial Meat Inspection Program.
Funding opportunities
Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance
Learn more about how the collaboration between the Government of Ontario and the University of Guelph supports the province’s agri-food and rural sectors.
Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership
Learn about Canada-Ontario funding opportunities for the agriculture, agri-food and agri-based products sector.
Research and statistics
Research and innovation
Learn about research and innovation funded by the province, including research opportunities for the agri-food and rural sectors.
Learn about statistics on crops, livestock and poultry, dairy, food and beverage, counties, farm finance, trade and more.